
Witchcraft can serve many purposes,  sometimes to protect, sometimes to harm. In this blog, I am specifically referring to the type of witchcraft that is intended to harm others. In some cases, the witchcraft is as “simple” as “evil eye or bad tongue” or more...

Love…as they live their Destiny.

  In my work with many on their spiritual journeys, I have observed several common family and community related themes. One of these  trends is the lack of overall support and acceptance for folks who stand at the crossroads, the door… contemplating their...


Expand. You have given enough. It is time to release. Learn to let go of the old, to create space for the new. Learn to preserve your energy… your love… your time, and surrender to the teachings of the Universe.   Learn to not love others more than they...

The Power of the Mind

Several years ago, I participated in an experiment initiated by my mother. In the experiment, two mason jars filled halfway with tap water and an inch layer of uncooked rice, were used. Both jars were identical. One jar was labeled with a positive affirmation and the...