Certified Holistic Life Coach

For those initiated to Priesthood, once you are chosen to wear the crown, one must then ensure that it will fit. In order for it to fit, one’s Ori must have the room to accommodate. There will be limited room if the Ori is filled with unresolved pain, trauma, resentment, anger, sadness and fear. One cannot fully manifest the divinity in them, if they are holding on to dysfunctional thoughts and patterns.

Embrace your Divine Power Workshops are designed to support individuals in all areas of their life and journey. They are also geared to support and assist those that were chosen to wear the crown. The workshops provide opportunities to heal, clear the Ori and make space for ones crown to shine. They are designed to identify fears and eradicate blockages that prevent one from really tapping into and embracing all the divine power that comes with carrying a crown. 

I will be offering this workshop locally, at your Ilé or abroad. 

Individual coaching sessions are also available. 

Facilitated by Ìfé Michelle, Iyá Ota Niwé ~ Certified Holistic Life Coach, LCSW, Spiritual Advisor